
Flexible Hose Connectors & Flooding Risk

Flexible connector hoses are now the number one cause of flooding in Australian homes. They are usually around toilets, sinks and tubs. It is important to check them regularly for fraying, corrosion, or any other damage to ensure they are still working as they should and to prevent them from splitting and causing severe damage to your home.

Flexible connector hoses are now the number one cause of flooding in Australian homes. They are usually around toilets, sinks and tubs. It is important to check them regularly for frays, corrosion or any other damage to ensure they are still working as they should and to prevent them from splitting and causing severe damage to your home.

If you have purchased or are thinking of purchasing a flexible connector hose, reconsider installing it yourself. It is always better to have a licensed plumber install them as they will supply the correct length and will ensure it is installed correctly with minimum risk of future breakage and subsequent leaking.

Make sure you are checking your plumbing and appliances regularly. A good reminder is to check your plumbing when you receive your council rates bill.

As an extra precaution, consider turning your water off if you are going on holiday.

Our Home Protection Plan Members receive a free Plumbing and Electrical Safety check each year of their membership, so make sure you are making the most of those too.