
Get ready for the Summer Storm Season

Is your home ready for the coming storm season? The Bureau of Meteorology Queensland has predicted bigger wind and hail storms are likely in the 2012 season due to an El Nino weather pattern generating stronger winds. They are expecting up to three times the amount of storms that Queensland experienced last summer.

Prepare your home for storm season

Take precautions now to avoid getting into trouble when the storms are upon us.

  • Ensure outdoor furniture is secure.
  • Clear away toys or outdoor equipment which could cause damage in a storm.
  • Trim tree branches growing near power lines or over roof areas.
  • Clear gutters and downpipes.
  • Check the condition of your roof and repair where necessary.
  • Prepare an emergency kit with – a torch, portable radio, first aid kit, and spare batteries.
  • Store your valuables up high in case of flooding.
  • Ensure your home, contents, and car insurance are up to date and adequate.
  • Make sure you know where and how to turn off the main supply for water, electricity, and gas if needed.

For more information on preparing your home and family for the upcoming storm season visit Get Ready Queensland.